Peppermint is often thought of as one of the most versatile essential oils. The oil is known for its ability to soothe and relieves many different mild conditions; however, some people are extremely sensitive to peppermint oil, even when a carrier oil is used. If you notice redness or irritation after using peppermint oil, switch to the milder spearmint oil, which has comparable properties but is less likely to cause skin irritation. Use peppermint oil for the following benefits:
Relieves Sore Muscles: Peppermint oil has a mild painkiller effect and muscle relaxing effect when applied to the skin. For this reason, peppermint oil is often added to heat-packs, headache blends, and salves for sore, aching, or bruised muscles.
Clears Sinuses: Peppermint oil has piercing, clear scent that helps open nasal passageways. This is thanks to the high natural content of menthol in peppermint oil. The oil also has an expectorant effect on congestion and can be used to loosen in the throat, nose, lung, and sinuses. Peppermint also has a soothing effect at the same time, which helps receive scratchy throats and irritated noses.
Boosts Energy: Peppermint has a naturally awaking and invigorating scent. peppermint oil works faster than coffee to wake up the brain in the morning. Due to its awaking properties, peppermint oil can be used to prevent drowsiness, keep you awake during long drives, and help the brain before work or school.
Improved Concentration: Peppermint oil provides sustained alertness, which makes it deal ideal for use when times of concentration are required. You can diffuse peppermint oil in the house during homework time to give kids an extra mental boost. If you want to use the oil directly on a child's skin or clothing, however, spearmint oil is safer for children's sensitive skin.
Itch Reliever: Peppermint oil also works similarly to lavender oil to sooth itchy skin and bug bites. Peppermint oil can be used to soothe almost any bug bite or itchy skin condition, including poison ivy, poison oak, and chicken pox.
Repels Bugs: Peppermint oil doesn't soothe bug bites, but it also helps prevent them. Mosquitos, ants, spiders, roaches, and lice do not like peppermint oil. You can use peppermint oil as a part of a natural bug repellent both in the house and on the skin (with a carrier oil).
Eases Headache Pain: Peppermint boosts circulation and relaxes tense, sore muscles. This makes it ideal for receiving tension headaches and even lessening the pain of migraines. Peppermint oil does cause irritation in the eyes, so make sure not to use the oil near the face. Applying the diluted oil to the temples, behind the ears or to the back of the neck will help ease headache without casing eye irritation.
Relieves Nausea: Peppermint tea has long been used by pregnant women to ease nausea during the first trimester. Peppermint oil is much stronger than peppermint tea, so if you are pregnant, you should consult with your midwife before using peppermint oil. However, for general stomach upset and soothing relief after vomiting, applying peppermint oil will help receive cramps and have a positive effect on the body while relieving nausea. You can also add a bit of diluted peppermint oil to your hands and sniff them to relieve nausea.
Sore Throat: Peppermint contains menthol, which is soothing on a sore throat. You can diffuse the oil in the room when your throat hurts, or you can dilute the oil and rub it onto your throat or chest for a soothing boost. The peppermint oil helps thin mucous, making it easier to expel.
Coughs: When your throat hurts and coughing, apply diluted peppermint oil to the chest to encourage the loosening of phlegm and encourage productive coughs. Diffuse a blend of two drops of peppermint oil and two drops of lemon oil to promote healing and soothe coughing pain.
Fever: Add a few drops of peppermint oil to a cool bath to help bring a fever down. You can also make a cold compress with a cool, damp towel along with a few drops of peppermint oil and place it on forehead to bring down a high fever.
Aching Skin and Joins: Mix 16 ounces of Epsom salt and 15 drops of peppermint oil. Place this mixture into a warm bath. Soak for about 30 minutes to relieve aching joints and skin.
Indigestion: Peppermint oil calms the muscles in the intestines, and making digestion easier. This works to sooth indigestion and break food down faster. Diffusing peppermint oil or rubbing diluted peppermint oil on the stomach will help get rid of indigestion faster.